Reaping What You Sow✌

Life is interesting. On certain days (like today) eureka moments show up and show up really bold….hehe! A couple of things have been present in my life and have stayed, grown, bore greatly; some of which are not as good a thing to behold indefinitely. Tonight i get to think of them as a reaping from the sowing i have actively participated in for quite some time.

man holding hoe
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

It seems pretty obvious that what you sow you will reap yet often we live as if it doesn’t apply to us. We think we can get away with this one thing just once… the problem is that more times than not it’s not once… or twice.

The law of sowing and reaping is the same in the physical as it is in the spiritual. God honors whatever you sow, he will bring the harvest.

He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. – 2 Corinthians 9:6

An axiom (new word i landed on…hehe) is a governing principle or rule of thumb. Here are some examples: Birds fly, water is wet, fire is hot, and what goes up must come down. There are spiritual axioms too, including the one in the 2 Corinthians 9:6: A man reaps what he sows. That axiomatic statement is as real as any of the others, but it’s not believed to the same degree as the others. We reap what we sow in all of life—not just where money is concerned, which is how this axiom usually applied.

A little boy was told by his father to go outside and do some planting in the garden. The boy was lazy and didn’t feel like doing all that work, so he dug one hole, dumped all the seeds in, and covered them up. He went back inside and told his dad the work was done, forgetting that what he planted would reveal itself—and his laziness—in time. He would one day reap what he sowed.

According to this axiom, if we don’t sow seeds, we shouldn’t expect a harvest. Many of us  want a great harvest from God yet have sown very few seeds or no seeds at all.

Your harvest depends on what you sow. If you plant potatoes, potatoes will grow.

bright countryside dawn daylight
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What are you sowing? If you were to think about how you spend your time and what you fill your mind with would you expect to reap destruction or a full life? Does what you are expecting to reap line up with what you have been sowing? Remember, if you want to reap a bountiful harvest, then you have to sow a bountiful fruit! 

Published by Murungi

Christian. Medical Microbiologist. Avid Music Collector. Passionate about music, relationships, youth/young people. Married and loving it!

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